Company Information

Notification of Dissolution of Subsidiary.


Notification of Dissolution of Subsidiary

This is to inform you that we have decided to dissolve our subsidiary Ashigara Optical Inc. (hereinafter “Ashigara Optical”) effective March 2019.

Ever since its establishment in 1956, Ashigara Optical has long conducted press molding processing of lens blanks for use in optical equipment. This was solely due to the patronage and support we received from our customers, and we would like to express our deep gratitude. However, as the demand for domestically-sold re-heat pressed products handled by our Optical Products Division has declined due the domestic optical industry’s shifting toward overseas production, we determined that Ashigara Optical would find it difficult to secure stable profits in the future. As such, we have decided to cease production activities at the end of February 2019 and dissolve the subsidiary in March of the same year. Moreover, companies in our group and cooperating companies with in Japan shall continue to produce and provide the re-heat pressed products that had been manufactured by Ashigara Optical.
We would like to express our apologies for any inconveniences that the dissolution of our subsidiary may cause you, and although brief, we are sending you this letter to inform you of this in writing.

Overview of Subsidiary to Dissolve
(1)Name: Ashigara Optical Inc.
(2)Location: 4292 Yoshidajima, Kaisei-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken
(3)Representative: Representative Director and President Fumio Kojima
(4)Capital: 36,000,000 yen
(5)Main businesses: Manufacture and sale of re-heat pressed products
(6)Established: July 1956

OHARA INC., Optical Product Division, Optical Product Sales Department (TEL: 81-42-772-5111)