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Messages for shareholders and investors are presented.

代表取締役 社長執行役員 齋藤 弘和

OHARA was founded in 1935 as Japan’s first manufacturer specializing in optical glass. Since then, we have sought to realize the potential of new materials and worked to collaboratively create value with different partners. We have developed and supplied unique glass materials that help improve people’s lives and develop innovative technologies. Our glass materials support the development of a wide variety of industries, including optical instruments, medical care, batteries and space development. One example is the space and astronomy domain where high precision is required. Our products have been adopted in leading-edge projects such as Apollo 11, the Subaru Telescope and the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). Our untiring efforts to develop glass materials that support state-of-the-art technologies are the foundation of our technological strengths and the growth of our business.

Under the brand slogan, “The Future Made Clear,” we have formulated our Long-Term Vision 2035. It states our aspiration to become a 100-year-old company that is required in society in the future through three management policies: deepening existing businesses, searching for new businesses and strengthening the management base. Specifically, we are working to expand the electronics business based on our glass composition development capabilities and our strengths in manufacturing technologies. We will focus our efforts on the development and sale of functional materials that aid the fast-growing semiconductor and lithium-ion battery markets in pursuit of the continued growth of our business.

OHARA is convinced that optical materials with unique features will be a key to differentiating product technologies and that we will use our materials to solve future social issues. Through manufacturing without compromise, we will continue to supply advanced technologies of paramount quality that will make people’s dreams into reality and that will help build a fulfilling future.

We are committed to making every effort to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. We look forward to your continued support.

President Chief Executive Officer
Hirokazu Saito


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