Risks & Opportunities

We will proactively address social issues for which we can leverage the strengths of the OHARA Group, with an aim to realize the “Society and the Future OHARA Desires” outlined in the Corporate Message.

We will proactively address social issues for which we can leverage the strengths of the OHARA Group, with an aim to realize the “Society and the Future OHARA Desires” outlined in the Corporate Message.

We will proactively address social issues for which we can leverage the strengths of the OHARA Group, with an aim to realize the “Society and the Future OHARA Desires” outlined in the Corporate Message.

Focused markets and technologies Social issues to be addressed Corresponding SDGs Opportunities Risk
Lifestyle qualityAdvanced information terminals
Automotive technology
Medical technology
Realization of a safe and secure society
Contribution to healthy living
  • Provision of materials for advanced technologies that realize advanced information terminals
  • Provision of materials that realize advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)
  • Provision of materials for advanced technologies that realize advanced medical services
Delays in business activities Emergence of alternative technologies Loss of social credibility
Industry and infrastructureSemiconductor manufacturing equipment
Advanced infrastructure technology
Space development
Contribution to innovation in optical and sensing technology
Contribution to advanced miniaturization technology
Contribution to space development and utilization
  • Provision of materials for advanced sensing technology
  • Provision of materials for advanced semiconductor manufacturing technology
  • Contribution to technological development for the development and utilization of outer space
  • Technological contribution in the astronomical research field
Delays in business activities Emergence of alternative technologies Loss of social credibility
Environment and energyGHG reduction
Low-energy melting technology
Next-generation batteries
Development of products that lead to solving environmental issues
Coexistence with the natural environment and reduction of environmental impact
Sustainable procurement of critical raw materials (CRM)
  • Development of technology to reduce,utilize, capture and decompose CO2
  • Provision of materials that improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) and realize solid-state batteries
  • Reduction and reuse of glass waste, energy and resource saving activities
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in factories and transportation
  • Development of raw material procurement routes
  • Emergence of alternative technologies
  • Delays in environmental response activities and higher environmental response costs
  • Soaring energy prices
  • Resource depletion, problems with raw material procurement, soaring prices
Strengthening governance Respect for diversity
Development of a great place to work
  • Improvement of value creativity through synergistic effects of diversity
  • Improvement of working environment,productivity and motivation
  • Decline in safety and productivity due to delayed activities, labor shortage
  • Decline in core organizational capabilities, delays in marketing activities


Related information can be viewed by following the links below.
The things we focus on in manufacturing are explained.