Basic Policy for Sustainability

OHARA Group aims to achieve sustainable development of society and increase corporate value by working to resolve environmental and social issues through the realization of our Corporate Message.

OHARA Group aims to achieve sustainable development of society and increase corporate value by working to resolve environmental and social issues through the realization of our Corporate Message.

OHARA Group’s Basic Policy for Sustainability

Based on the Management Philosophy and Corporate Message, the OHARA Group will contribute to the sustainable development of society by creating outstanding materials that exceed expectations. This leads to realizing a better society, and opening up the future through collaboration and co-creation rooted in trusting relationships with stakeholders

OHARA Group’s Sustainability Efforts

The OHARA Group is engaged in sustainability activities based on the three pillars: resolving environmental and social issues through corporate activities, building strong relationships with stakeholders, and complying with laws and regulations and respecting human rights.



Related information can be viewed by following the links below.
The things we focus on in manufacturing are explained.